Sunday, July 14, 2024

Filled with gratitude

By Katharine Broberg

As I sit down to reflect on the whirlwind of emotions and experiences that have defined our final project, I am struck by the journey of empowerment and inspiration that this endeavor has been for me. Hi again! It’s Katharine, reporting from Amsterdam. 

Our project, a special magazine edition focusing on peace and female empowerment in Kosovo, has not only been a fun, creative outlet but a transformative learning experience. Making this magazine has been a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Each page is filled with stories of resilience, courage, and hope. We delved deep into the lives of influential women in Kosovo by shedding light on their remarkable contributions toward empowering others and promoting peace. From artists to activists, each story we uncovered portrayed a powerful narrative of resilience and unwavering determination in their pursuits.
One aspect of our project that stands out for me is our exploration of Mother Teresa’s legacy in Kosovo. While many may know of her global impact, looking into her local influence brought a whole new depth to my understanding of peacebuilding. When we were conducting random street interviews in Kosovo, it was men our age who mentioned their admiration for her efforts and an 18-year boy even said, “I really look up to her like many others in my generation because she really puts out the work ethic as a human should be doing and generally speaking, there aren't as many people who have such empathy toward others, so that's a really good part that she brings out in each character and individual, and that should be passed onto our generation.”
Throughout the past weeks, our group faced some challenges, as all creative endeavors do. There was the initial awkwardness of approaching people in the street when we do not speak their language and trying to explain our research to them--this was a bit daunting at first. But by the third day of the trip it came naturally to us. I am very thankful for my group: Anna, Mathilde and Stefanía. Our meetings were lively and productive as we worked together to assemble the stories that would shape our magazine.
One particular realisation that has stayed with me is the interconnectedness of peace and empowerment. As we highlighted the stories of women advocating for change in Kosovo, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own journey of growth and self-discovery throughout this project. Each interview, each design choice, each quick brainstorming session added a layer of understanding to my own beliefs and values. In the end, our project is not just a magazine– it is a testament to the power of storytelling, of elevating voices that deserve to be heard, of standing in solidarity with those who strive to make the world a better place. 

As I look back on this chapter of our Peace Lab experience, I am filled with gratitude for the lessons learned, the connections we made with locals, the people who have gone from ‘classmate’ to ‘my friend’, and the journey we have taken together.

A snippet of some of the pages in our magazine

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